Stop 3

Lützow Square

Bauhahus-Archiv_Lützowplatz Berlin

About this stop

Located in the Tiergarten district of Berlin, the Lützow Square is a historic place in the heart of Berlin, known for its charming atmosphere and diverse history. It is located directly on the Landwehr Canal, which runs south of the Lützow bank and was originally part of the then still independent city of Charlottenburg until the mid-19th century. Here you can discover traces of Prussian history as well as numerous elegant buildings and monuments around the square.

Address of the stop: Lützowplatz, 10785 Berlin

Sights that you can discover at this stop:
  • Lützow Bank
  • Culture Forum
  • St. Matthew's Church

Departure times

Wir fahren aktuell täglich von 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr im 20-25-Minuten-Takt (genaue Taktung abhängig von Saison und Wochentag, weitere Informationen erhältst du bei unserem Personal vor Ort).

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